We're excited to offer several foundational courses that will level-up your music knowledge and skills. Each of these classes will help you tackle playing and singing with newfound confidence, and will be a great complement to group-singing.
Classes meet for 50 minutes weekly on Zoom or Google Meet. Small class sizes and individualized assignments will help create a personalized curriculum that helps each participant grow their unique skill set.
Have a question about one of our classes? Email us!
Music Theory8 week course (taught by Krissy)
Tuesday evenings starting September 29 Class sizes: max. 10 participants Tuition: $18 per class Learn the stepping stones of reading and understanding written sheet music, as well as the basic principles of harmony: why music sounds good (or not!). Each week participants will complete a short homework assignment (5-10 minutes) and receive individual feedback. Class format will be dynamic - part demonstration, part class discussion, part small-group activity. Beginner Level course will cover:
Intermediate Level course will cover:
Sight-Singing8 week course (taught by Michael)
Wednesday evenings starting September 30 Class sizes: max. 10 participants Tuition: $18 per class Solfège is a music learning system that helps singers identify relationships between notes and hear and produce patterns quickly and easily. Learning solfa (do, re, mi) allows singers to correctly read sheet music as easily as instrumentalists. We will use the “movable do” system. Each week participants will complete a short homework assignment (5-10 minutes) and receive individual feedback. Class format will be dynamic - part demonstration, part class discussion, part small-group activity. Beginner Level course will cover:
Intermediate Level course will cover:
Check Out Our Other Fall 2020 Offerings
MEDIA CONSENT: Neighborhood Rocks uses photos and videos of singers in action online, and will not publish members' names online without prior consent. By purchasing membership online, I grant to this chorus the right to use and publish online, in whole or in part, in photographs, video, or any other media, my participating family members' likeness recorded at rehearsals and performances.
LIABILITY RELEASE: By purchasing membership online, I hereby give approval for my family to participate in this chorus' rehearsals, performances, outings, and any related activities. In consideration of my and/or my child(ren)’s participation, I hereby agree as follows: to waive any and all claims against the chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives; to release the chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense that I or my child(ren) may suffer as a result of participation in this chorus; and to indemnify and hold harmless this chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives from and against any claims, suits, damages and expenses arising out of or relating to my or my child(ren)’s participation in this chorus, including, but not limited to, any acts, omissions, negligence and/or breach of rules of conduct. The above release, waiver, assumption of risk and indemnity shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns.
MEDIA CONSENT: Neighborhood Rocks uses photos and videos of singers in action online, and will not publish members' names online without prior consent. By purchasing membership online, I grant to this chorus the right to use and publish online, in whole or in part, in photographs, video, or any other media, my participating family members' likeness recorded at rehearsals and performances.
LIABILITY RELEASE: By purchasing membership online, I hereby give approval for my family to participate in this chorus' rehearsals, performances, outings, and any related activities. In consideration of my and/or my child(ren)’s participation, I hereby agree as follows: to waive any and all claims against the chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives; to release the chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense that I or my child(ren) may suffer as a result of participation in this chorus; and to indemnify and hold harmless this chorus and its organizers, agents, employees, or representatives from and against any claims, suits, damages and expenses arising out of or relating to my or my child(ren)’s participation in this chorus, including, but not limited to, any acts, omissions, negligence and/or breach of rules of conduct. The above release, waiver, assumption of risk and indemnity shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns.